9. Recommended Products Families

fmFamilies, fmFamiliesEdit - Recommended Product Families Section

Product Families give you the ability to add recommended products to your product pages. You can use this section to create the Product Families for Recommended Products.

To create, edit, delete, or remove recommended products families you can use appropriate toolbar:

or Context menu:

You can perform such basic operations as:

1. "Refresh data" forces recommended products families list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts like is the latest data displayed.

2. "Add recommended products families" calls blank recommended products families form, which is used to create a new recommended products family.

3. To Edit recommended products families you can double click on it or use "Edit recommended products families" button. It calls Edit recommended products families form for selected item.

Name of Product Family: Enter the name of the product family.

4. You can "Delete recommended products families" from your store . Pay attention that you won't be able to undo delete from store option.

5. Add products to family

calls new search form. Enter the Product Name or ID, of the products you would like to include within that family and press Search button to find the product you need. DBL-click on the products, or highlight products and press Ok button to add them to the Selected Products list.

6. You can also remove selected products within a family or remove all products from family using appropriate option from the drop-down
